L​ive Q&A on Quality at Medtronic

As the global leader in medical technology, Medtronic is known for providing products that are safe, effective, and useable. The company’s continued success in the Life Sciences industry is driven by a dedication to quality, innovation, and continuous improvement. In this recording of a live webinar, Patty Steele, Associate Quality Systems Specialists at Medtronic, and Jack … Continued

Dynamic Scheduler: Never Miss a Data Collection

This webinar showcases Dynamic Scheduler, a tool that reminds your operators when it’s time to collect data via a desktop pop-up window. One of the world’s largest food manufacturers is using this tool on over 500 computers to ensure that data collection occurs as needed.

Manufacturing Intelligence 101

The pursuit of a world class enterprise manufacturing intelligence platform is a noble one. That said, even companies that get it right often struggle to transform data into timely actions that can positively impact the overall value of production runs. This webinar outlines an approach to manufacturing intelligence that is a gateway to more timely … Continued

Data Management System: Putting It All Together

Learn how you can leverage InfinityQS’ powerful statistical process control and analysis capabilities across the enterprise. The Data Management System standardizes data from multiple sources and systems in a single repository, making it all possible.

Enterprise Integration Service (EIS)

With millions in operating costs on the line, high quality has become a performance imperative. However, larger organizations typically have plants spread across the globe, so how can quality performance be assessed if each plant has its own database, separate from the others? InfinityQS’ Enterprise Integration Services (EIS) makes consolidating data a snap—even when data … Continued

ProFicient on Demand

ProFicient on Demand offers you enterprise-wide scalability. Instead of just having statistical process control (SPC) software installed at individual sites, ProFicient on Demand allows multiple sites to share data and conduct comparative analyses. With this hosted model, you can also view real-time quality data at your supplier’s sites. The software provides visibility into the shop … Continued