Uncover Hidden Costs

Minimize loss from variation and non-optimal processes To remain competitive, manufacturers must make high-quality products at the lowest possible price. WinSPC’s patented Cost Inspector™ advances this mission by analyzing processes for cost-saving opportunities. With it, Quality professionals expose hidden costs, costs not likely to be exposed in any other way, costs directly associated with give-away, … Continued

SPC Food and Beverage Industry

Food and beverage companies that implement Statistical Process Control (SPC) are empowered to make meaningful process improvements that reduce operating costs and ensure consistent quality compliance. But according to a recent survey, 75 percent of polled food and beverage manufacturers still collect data using paper-based systems. This clunky and inefficient process for verifying compliance puts … Continued

5 Key Benefits Of Statistical Process Control

The use of control charts alone should not define the entirety of a successful statistical process control (SPC) deployment. Even though SPC begins on the shop floor, the most successful deployments are those in which quality professionals, managers, and engineers intelligently leverage the data and information generated by an SPC system to make extensive, high-level … Continued

Prioritize Manufacturing Process Control Improvements

As a quality professional, you’re constantly being asked to fix problems. Instead of reacting to problems, what if you could provide solutions that truly enhance quality control in manufacturing operations? Wouldn’t it be great to quickly and easily compare the performance of each of your parts, lines, processes, and sites—at a glance—and determine where to … Continued