Turning Quality into a Competitive Advantage

Accuracy and precision define your capability for excellence During recent decades, manufacturer and consumer expectations for product quality have continued to creep higher and higher. A world of customers on the always-connected internet has contributed greatly to this awareness. Customers expect quicker iterations of their favorite products without deviation from the highest quality standards.  Meanwhile, … Continued

Uncover Hidden Costs

Minimize loss from variation and non-optimal processes To remain competitive, manufacturers must make high-quality products at the lowest possible price. WinSPC’s patented Cost Inspector™ advances this mission by analyzing processes for cost-saving opportunities. With it, Quality professionals expose hidden costs, costs not likely to be exposed in any other way, costs directly associated with give-away, … Continued

3 Practices of Companies Who Effectively Reduce Variation Cost | Quality Insight

We find that there are 3 common practices among companies who are effectively minimizing process variation. (1) Real-time monitoring of manufacturing with operator access to data. (2) Visualization of process output for operators and supervisors. (3) Investigation into problems and prioritization of improvement initiatives. Our discussion begins at 21:42 in the video. Real-time Monitoring of … Continued

Ten Important Questions (You Should Be Able to Answer) Before Implementing SPC | Ask the Expert

Careful consideration of some fundamental aspects of Statistical Process Control (SPC) can go a long way toward determining whether or not manufacturers are able to effectively prevent problems and control their production processes. When applied properly, SPC identifies significant changes to a process. These can be changes that are still within specification—but are statistically different … Continued

Optimizing Product Target Weights of Foods and Beverages

In order to maximize profitability while complying with government regulations regarding net package contents, food manufacturers and packagers must achieve an optimal balance. Consistent overfilling to minimize risk is inefficient and sacrifices profitability, while aggressive filling practices result in significant risks of non-compliance with net contents regulations leading to potential penalties, loss of reputation, and … Continued

Nutrition-Focused Bakery Digitizes Bread Production Process

A bread company which has made public statements of intent to increase nutrition levels has installed WinSPC. The company uses the system to see charts that uncover interrelation between process factors. A large bread company is using WinSPC real-time statistical process control to alert staff, in advance, of potential bread deficiencies. The bakery has made … Continued