Variables step-by-step interpretation

Normal distributions are symmetrical and create a bell-shaped curve. If your process does not have a normal distribution, you will need to determine why not. If the process is bound by 0 on one side, it may be normally distributed, but not appear that way. For more information on non-symmetrical distributions, select: Study the shape

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

The distribution appears to be normal. Have you calculated capability indices?

Yes   No

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

You may wish to create a histogram with a curve to determine if your process has a normal distribution. Perform capability analysis to learn if the process is capable of producing output that meets specification requirements. For more information, select:

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

Does the histogram have a bell shape?

Yes   No   Not Sure

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

There are no special causes of variation and the process appears to be in control at this time. Have you created a histogram and calculated capability statistics for this process?

Yes   No

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

The process is not in control. Investigate the cause(s) of the variation and determine if effects are good or bad. For more information, select:

Declare the system stable or unstable and respond to the information on the control chart.

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

Are there any nonrandom patterns in the X-bar, X, or median chart?

Yes   No

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

The process is not in control. Investigate the cause(s) of the variation and determine if effects are good or bad. For more information, select:

Declare the system stable or unstable and respond to the information on the control chart.

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Minimize Production Costs, Quickly Detect Issues, and Optimize Your Product Quality

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Variables step-by-step interpretation

The process is not in control. Investigate the cause(s) of the variation and determine if effects are good or bad. For more information, select:

Declare the system stable or unstable and respond to the information on the control chart.

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