The differences between control limits and spec (specification) limits

The differences between control limits and spec (specification) limits may seem irrelevant or nonexistent to those outside process production, but the gulf between them is in fact huge. In fact, they are two entirely different animals. Spec limits may be designated by a customer, engineer, etc., indicating the allowable spread of a given measurement. Control … Continued

Gage R&R study questions answered

We frequently entertain questions about MSA and specifically, gage R&R. Below are two questions we recently received: Question #1: “What are the requirements for the parts chosen in a study? Do the parts have to have the same specification?” Answer: The parts selected should be representative of the process variation that is producing them. This implies that … Continued

The difference between run charts and control charts

A customer recently asked one of our support representatives the following questions: What is the difference between a run chart and a control chart? And when should I use one vs. the other? These are great questions because they allow us to highlight some of the benefits of control charts. When you create any chart, … Continued