
Packaging Plants in India Are Jumping on Board with Kiwiplan



Jasmer Packaging

The Jasmer management team (l to r):  Tony Vavrek–Project Manager, Kiwiplan Asia-Pacific; Jatinder Singh – Chairman, Jasmer Pack; Jagdeep Singh – Director, Jasmer Pack; Christopher Loh – General Manager, Kiwiplan Asia-Pacific; Chiran Sastry; and Vishal Garg – Executive Director, Jasmer Pack.

First Installation at Jasmer Packaging

The successful installation of Kiwiplan’s SKS (Single Knife Scheduling) suite of applications at Jasmer Packaging Limited at Kala Ambmarks the first of many installations by Kiwiplan Asia-Pacific in India. Jasmer Packaging is part of the Jasmer Group which is the result of forward integration of Ruchira Papers Ltd., Kala-AMB, Himachal Pradesh.

Led by the dynamic management team, the implementation team at the plant took just seven days to Go-Live for the Roll Stock Scheduling (RSS) module in June 2010. By the end of September 2010, the Roll Stock inventory levels dropped to 40%, specifically from 1400 metric tons to 500 metric tons. This drop was possible through the unique identification of each roll through barcode printed labels and excellent control of the roll stock by the warehouse personnel.

Dhanlakshmi Industries Begins Installation of SKS

Next in line for installation in India is Dhanlakshmi Industries, Hyderabad that signed with Kiwiplan for installation of Single Knife Scheduling (SKS) which is comprised of RSS, Labels (LBL) and CSC. They began installation in December with Phase 1 with the installation of RSS and LBL.

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