Seafood Processing Software for Fishery Management

Trusted by hundreds of fisheries and seafood processors:

Streamline Seafood Processing and Purchasing from Catch to Customer

At Advantive, our industry-specific seafood processing software empowers our fishery clients with automatic tracing and materials management from the fishing grounds directly to the factory. We offer the top MES and WMS solutions to simplify fish purchasing and settlements, and bring accuracy, efficiency, and security to the largest seafood operations around the world.

Boost Fisheries Efficiencies

Benefit from real-time, multi-site accessibility that elevates efficiency across all fishing operations, regardless of location or internet connectivity.

Enhance Data Accuracy

Improve data accuracy across your fish purchasing activity with a centralized database, fast high-volume data entry, and optimized workflows.

Improve Supply Chain Visibility

Experience seamless traceability and materials management from fishing grounds to customers, offering a comprehensive view of your supply chain.

Modernize Your Fishery Management with Advantive’s Seafood Processing Software

Advantive’s comprehensive fishery management software suite is designed to streamline the entire seafood processing, purchasing, and settlement process. This sophisticated system provides enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and security, addressing what often is the largest cash outflow in seafood operations. The software not only facilitates real-time vessel management, settlements, holdbacks, and supply sales, but also integrates seamlessly with eLandings for compliance reporting, making it exceptionally suited for seafood operations, including those in challenging environments with limited or intermittent connectivity. Core features include:

At Advantive, we offer seafood-specific industry solutions to fully track your data and processes from catch to customer. Every part of the system is specialized and optimized for buying directly from vessels – including pricing, taxes, deductions, supply sales, compliance reporting, third-party transactions, and fishery management.

Centralized data provides rich views of fish purchasing activity across all locations. Master files, rules and configurations are made once at the home office and automatically published to all facilities.

Advantive’s specialized seafood industry solutions include fish ticket processing for all species, seasons, plants, fleets and buying stations.

  • Products: Our solutions support all types of purchased products. User-defined attributes are configured to define species, gear, form, condition, and any other factor that affects pricing, catch reporting, taxes, business analysis and accounting.
  • Multiple Premiums: Each ticket may contain multiple premiums. Premiums are set up by product and can be automatically added to a ticket.
  • Taxes & Deductions: Automatically handle deductions from tickets for association dues, garnishments, financing, etc. based on locations, vessels, species or other criteria. Deduction formulas may be based on weight or value in order to accommodate fishermen as well as company liabilities and accruals. The system manages any company-paid liabilities and accruals in the same manner. Integration with the general ledger and detailed deduction reports provide a complete audit trail of remittances to the agencies involved.
  • Flexible Pricing: Advantive’s fishery management software supports multiple price lists based on the vessel account, species, or season. For added reliability, the software maintains a complete audit trail of all price changes as well as history of the price list version. In the event of a price correction or revision,. the automatic price adjustment feature saves hours of manual, error prone calculations.

Advantive’s MES and WMS solutions for seafood processors include Vessel Management to manage Vessel Settlements, Holdbacks, and Supply Sales to fishing vessels, while producing buying analytics.

  • Vessel Settlements: Payment processing is designed to automatically compute and print settlement checks. Open items may be selected or excluded at will and manual settlements based on specified cutoff dates can be processed at any time. Each settlement reconciles the fisher account and keeps an auditable history of all transactions related to the associated payment. Statement details may include transactions such as fish tickets, deductions, price adjustments, bonuses, cash, checks, advances, supply sales, credit memos and holdbacks.
  • Holdbacks: The holdback tool allows users to designate amounts for reserve and withhold funds from settlements. Release dates are also tracked in the system to support automatic releases for such funds. For example, if the system has extended purchase orders to suppliers on behalf of fishers, this provides a way to reserve funds to cover the vendor charges. The original holdback and subsequent release are displayed clearly on settlements for added visibility.
  • Supply Sales to Fishing Vessels: Our solutions handle direct sales of equipment, services, bait, ice, gear and supplies to fishing vessels. Other related transactions such as cash advances and miscellaneous charges are also tracked within the system. Each sale shows its source, whether that be the dock, a buying station or tender. Sales are tracked by item code and source for pricing, accounting, business analytics and managing accounts with tenders and other third parties.
  • Buying Analytics: Fish tickets maintain information such as vessel, catch area, buyer and receiving location for reporting and analysis. Easy access to ticket history and vessel account status and history saves time and eliminates the need to keep volumes of printed reports. Convenient on-screen inquiries make it simple for staff to keep in touch with day-to-day operations, vessel accounts and accounting information. Query tools provide unlimited ways to analyze purchases by species, product attribute, location, and vessel.

Business intelligence capabilities are central to Advantive’s proven seafood processing solutions. Our seafood industry-specific software generates customizable business analysis views based on standardized data that has been compiled across all enterprise sites. Integration across modules supports an even richer environment where data can be modeled to drive key business decisions across the company. Other features include:

  • Familiar Data Analysis Tools: All system components include familiar data analysis tools, such as Excel, for fast and easy inquiries. Users can refine and design their own list views to meet job specific reporting needs. Pivot table lists, data filtering, searching, and sorting are all intuitive, self-service features for creating these specialized views.
  • Instant Printed Reports and Data Export: Once users have shaped their data as needed, printed reports are easily generated from any system module. The grid’s contents (in the same layout as it appears on screen) can be exported to all popular formats, including RTF, PDF, XLSX, XLS, CSV.
  • Compliance Reporting: Our fishery management software provides complete flexibility in meeting the reporting requirements of all government agencies. Reporting areas can be related to, or completely separate from, taxing districts. The system also supports reporting requirements that may encompass different geographical breakdowns.
  • Universal Search: Unlimited browsing and search features make it easy to find what you need. Convenient hyperlinks throughout the system provide instant access to key data and configuration areas.
  • eLandings Integration: eLandings Integration manages the process of importing tickets from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s eLandings system. Tickets are imported directly into our solutions where pricing and tax rules can be applied according to preconfigured settings. From there, users have an opportunity to review all data prior to posting.
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Case Study

Seafood Processor Gains Accurate, Real-Time Inventory Control

Learn how one of the largest seafood companies in the world uses ParityFactory software to automate workflows, improve inventory control, and increase capacity.

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