Manufacturing Process Management (MPM)

Clearly, the greatest benefit from MPM can be seen in improved production efficiencies, derived from more tightly designed and managed production systems. It is not uncommon to see assembly line efficiencies increase by 10% (in mixed model environments). In addition, new, or modified, product launch times have been reduced by 25 to 50% primarily because of the instant information availability and the benefits of editing existing similar processes instead of re-engineering from scratch as is often done. More importantly, MPM applications provide the analytical and data management abilities necessary for companies to move to mixed model production systems in an effort to reduce In-process Inventory (WIP) and Finished goods inventory and improve overall product quality and production responsiveness.

In addition, benefits can be seen with improved production engineering information access and management with improved downstream information and accuracy to MES, MRP and ERP systems. By providing detailed manufacturing process information throughout the organization, as well as to downstream applications, the organization now has the ability to quickly and accurately distribute best practices throughout the global organization and intelligently react to changes in both products and processes concurrently.

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