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A histogram is a graphical frequency distribution of raw data values. Histograms reveal the distribution of data values, compare them with specification limits, and generate useful metrics and statistics that describe the data set in detail.
When analyzing data, histograms are often used with statistical process control (SPC) control charts. That is, the same data used to create control charts can be used to create histograms. While control charts display data in time sequence, histograms do not. Instead, histograms show individual data values summarized and compared to engineering specifications.
Histograms also allow users to compare individual data values to both upper and lower engineering specification limits. This allows quality professionals to access a variety of different statistics and improvement metrics.
This histogram represents the measurements of a feature, “Location C,” from a specific part, revealing the following important information:
See how easy it is to access actionable information from your SPC control charts.
Histograms can be combined with other SPC tools and control charts to reveal important quality information and opportunities for improvement at a plant—and even across sites.
Modern SPC software solutions make these complex analyses possible. When data is centralized and standardized in a unified data repository, SPC software provides instant access to quality information, ensuring immediate attention to your greatest quality challenges.
See how InfinityQS® reveals valuable quality information and makes SPC easy.
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