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Before manufacturers can improve quality, they have to measure. Quality checks provide essential data that leaders need to make process improvement decisions. Quality monitoring and management is also required to verify that manufacturers are meeting regulatory requirements or customer specifications.
To gather all of the data they need to ensure quality standards are met, quality managers must juggle a variety of quality control methods. By the end of each day, they accumulate massive amounts of information. And then what?
Unfortunately, many quality managers lack time to do anything with their quality data beyond “checking the boxes.” That means they’re missing major opportunities.
A top quality manufacturing approach starts with statistical process control (SPC), the industry-standard approach to measure and control manufacturing quality. At a fundamental level, SPC entails continuous and consistent inspection and mapping of results to reveal variations.
Real-time access to SPC quality data can change the way you approach quality. Rather than react to problems, you can prevent them.
Quality professionals strive to achieve these benefits by applying a wide range of quality control methods such as:
Process behaviors are brought to life using SPC control charts, which are graphical representations of a process’ output patterns compared to statistical limits. Control charts help quality leaders turn thousands of individual data points into an insightful story about quality. Because they provide an at-a-glance view of data, they may provide the first indication that quality is slipping, and they can guide in-depth investigations and analyses.
InfinityQS supports all the most commonly used SPC tools, such as:
InfinityQS solutions give quality professionals unprecedented visibility into products, processes, and operations without the burden, time, and effort of building charts and reports manually. See how our control charts, dashboards, and alerts help leaders prioritize and speed up quality improvement efforts—and maximize results.
With traditional quality control tools, quality professionals are faced with too much to do and not enough time. Modern SPC-based quality management software can help manufacturers improve quality operations without draining their most valuable resource: time.
Leveraging SPC, InfinityQS solutions can:
Ramp up is easy. InfinityQS software is designed specifically for manufacturing companies and comes with intuitive user interfaces and extensive self-help resources. Data collection methods are designed to fit seamlessly into your existing production processes—and never burden operators or slow down the line.
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