Adaptable Supply Chain Simulator Software for Manufacturers

Project Engineer Talks to Female Operator who Controls Facility Production

Adjust Roll Stock Inventory Based on Accurate Demand

Corrugated manufacturers around the globe lose hundreds of thousands of dollars each year because they don’t have the right roll stock. Supply chain simulator software identifies the appropriate amount of each paper and roll size to order each month for maximum production efficiency.

Increase Order Accuracy

Eliminate the monthly guesswork of ordering with real-time tracking and analysis.

Maximize Production Efficiency

Determine the specific amount of each grade and width to order each month.

Reduce Carrying Costs

Easily track and identify actual costs associated with “out-of-stock” occurrences.

Innovative Factory Simulator Software to Boost Corrugator Efficiency

Did you know that the average corrugated plant loses $250,000 per year due to out-of-stock conditions? With specialized supply chain simulator software from Advantive, you get the insight and tools you need to ensure you always have the optimum amount of roll stock on hand.

Have you ever considered the benefits of optimizing roll stock across a region or group of plants? Our manufacturing process simulation software will determine the single roll matrix that provides the best overall productivity, efficiency, and savings for a group of corrugated plants.

Supply chain simulator technology gives manufacturers the ability to leverage sales forecasts and demand planning to facilitate corporate-wide, rough-cut capacity planning of both the corrugator and converting equipment. Master planning features provide the ability to balance work across all plants and machinery in a region or group of plants and supports improved, long-term capacity planning.

Determine when adjustments to your roll matrix are necessary to best accommodate your specific order mix and machine constraints with our supply chain simulator software. With the right tools and data in place, you can easily identify the optimum roll sizes to carry in your plant to minimize trim and costs, while maximizing corrugator web width, throughput, and production efficiency. If you wish to carry fewer roll sizes, our solution includes tools to establish the specific sizes to carry for the best results and indicate the results you can expect to achieve after making these changes in terms of average web width, trim, wet-end changes, upgrade costs, and more.

Work with an expert to determine what papers and sizes you should be carrying to save money and reduce inventory. One of our analysts will come to your plant to present a detailed and comprehensive report of your roll stock analysis with recommended changes and projected cost savings you can expect to achieve. They will work with your team to ensure you understand the contents of the report provided and are able to implement the best solution for your business. Tools and options are also available to measure results.

Learn more about our Roll Stock Analysis service here. 

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What to Expect

  • Free 20-minute call with a product expert
  • Live demo tailored to your industry requirements
  • Discover what products best fit your needs
  • No games, gimmicks, or high-pressure sales pitch